Monday, September 29, 2008

A few more GREEN events coming up...

Friday, October 3, 8:00am - 3:00pm
Alternative Vehicle Technology Conference
on the campus of CUNY's Lehman College
Lovinger Theatre, 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West, Bronx
Vehicle displays and panel discussions on emission reduction strategies, available and emerging technologies, and policies and incentives that can help promote the use of green trucks, cars, vans and buses.

Thursday, October 9, 6:00 - 8:00pm (NO PUBLIC MANAGEMENT CLASS!)
Is Gore's 100% Renewable Energy Challenge Achievable for New York City?
The New York Academy of Sciences, 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St, 40th floor
Moderator: George Hendrey, Queens College, CUNY;
Speakers: Klaus Lackner, Columbia University; Sanjoy Banerjee, The City College of New York/CUNY; Charles Komanoff; Komanoff Energy Associates

Sunday, October 12, 12-5PM
Riverkeeper's 3rd Annual ... New York WATERFEST

A bottled water free celebration of New York City water!
North Cove Marina, Battery Park City, NYC
Register today at

A great way to spend your Columbus Day weekend!

Bring your own bottles to Water Fest to refill with New York City's premier tap water for free!

Water Fest
is a day devoted to celebrating New York City water – the water we drink, the water we play in, and the water that surrounds us. Join Riverkeeper, New York's #1 water protector, for a day of fun on the Hudson with paddling activities, live music, great food and more. Take the NYC Tap Water Taste Test and join our Take Back the Tap NY campaign to promote and protect NYC's first-rate tap water.

  • The Paddle Rally includes paddling activities for everyone -- from first-timers to advanced paddlers -- kids to grandparents. Don't miss the Big Apple Splash raft flotilla, Kayak Poker Run, Floating Meditation, or kayak demonstrations and lessons. 8am-5pm. Register now at
  • Water City at North Cove Marina will feature live music, great food, wellness and relaxation tents, and New York's leading clean water advocates ready to answer your water questions.

Wednesday, October 15, 8:00 - 10:00pm
Zero Net Energy Building: Reality or Fiction
New York Academy of Sciences, 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St, 40th floor
The first of a 4-part series focused on achieving zero net energy in buildings, as part of the work of a new collective convened by the NYAS, including architects, engineers, scientists, policy makers from city and state, and foundation and non-profit leaders - representing the key players in New York in the area of green buildings and sustainable design.

November 13th, 2008, 8:30am-10:30am
Breaking the Green Ceiling: Affordable Housing Meets Environmentalism

CUNY Graduate Center, Skylight Room, 365 Fifth Avenue
How can we bring green building and beautiful design into the low budget realm of affordable housing, and why is it critical for community development?

Topics Include:
-Locating Affordable Well-Design Green Products
-Greening Landscapes, Streetscapes and Roofscapes
-Creating Jobs in the Green Building Industry

Contact (718) 839-1179 or for more information

Equitable Solutions of the Carbon and Climate Problem

On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 from 6:00-7:30 PM, renowned Princeton biologist Steve Pacala will be speaking on "Equitable Solutions of the Carbon and Climate Problem" in the Barash Theater located on the first floor of the NYU Jeffrey S. Gould Welcome Center (50 West Fourth Street, at the corner of Washington Square East). More information about the lecture can be found below.

To RSVP, please visit

To learn more about this and other upcoming events, please visit

New evidence suggests that the climate change problem is more urgent and serious than the conclusions of the latest IPCC report. After a quick review of the science of global warming and some of the most serious impacts, I will summarize three recent findings, all of which will increase the expected severity of climate change. I will then discuss the mix of existing technology and revolutionary advances that will be needed to solve the problem, and provide a scientific and technical evaluation of pending legislation and the platforms of the presidential candidates. Finally, I will turn to the issue that is now dominating discussion of an international deal on climate. What is a fair way to partition the effort among the rich and poor? I first use a statistical method to estimate personal emissions of every individual on Earth, and then discuss the distribution of emissions among nations and individuals in light of alternative concepts of fairness.

Access to Oxygen: Environmental Justice Hits the Small Screen

Deep Dish TV Presents Part Two of the DIY Media Series:

Access to Oxygen: Environmental Justice Hits the Small Screen

October 3rd, 7:00pm at the Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts, 715 Broadway, New York City.

Please join political activists, filmmakers and theorists for an evening of observation and conversation about the roots, history, and trajectory of Environmental Justice organizing.

The Panelists:

Miquela Craytor, Executive Director of Sustainable South Bronx

Kizzy Guzman, Environmental Advocate to the Bloomberg Administration

Tom Angotti, Author of "Metropolis 2000: Planning Poverty and Politics"

Rene Poitevin, NYU Professor of Metropolitan Studies

Cynthia Lopez, Vice President of American Documentary/POV

Additional Panelists To Be Announced

The Film: ACCESS TO OXYGEN is a 60 minute screener compiled from 4 programs out of Deep Dish TV's 22 year-old grassroots television archive. These programs represent some of the best work to come directly out of the Environmental Justice movement. Many were produced either by or in collaboration with the activists doing on-the-ground organizing over the last two decades.

To learn more about the programs go to:

To learn more about the series go to:

This event is free and open to the public

Sunday, September 28, 2008

This week in ESP...

Carnegie Council Event on U.N. Green Jobs Report on Tuesday, Sep 30:
Those attending should have received a confirmation email from me last week. Reminder: Statistics class will start at 12:30 p.m. The event starts at 3 p.m. Refer to the previous posts and emails for directions. Please contact James Marshall or Ellie Tang if you have any question.

Green Dragon Social (hosted by Asia Pacific Affairs Council and MIA-EPS students) on Wednesday, Oct 1:
7:30PM - 9:00PM
Location: Max Caffe 1262 Amsterdam Ave (122 St. and Amsterdam Ave.)
*drinks and refreshments will be provided*

Green Dragon Speaker Series Kickoff Networking Event!
Interested in China's Environmental Crisis? Want to know more about it and
connect with others who do?
Come to the Green Dragon Social to find out more!

Colloquium #3 on Thursday, Oct 2:

"For those of you who managed to make it to one of our first two colloquiums, I'm sure you've been excited by our classmates' presentations. Look forward to another great week, WITH wine, AND...
Siobhan talking about her public health work and her trip to Burma.
A. Tianna speaking about her public health project in Bolivia. So, if it's isn't already glaringly clear, this week's theme is public health and countries that start with the letter B! James wil be supplying wine, so bring a mug/cup and a couple bucks to help cover the costs (if you want to drink.)" --Leah